How can one be happy...

The happiest person in life don't have best of everything they make the best of everything...

Well...I believe in living every moment of my life happily. Happiness can but be sorted in two categories:
   1.Short term happiness
   2 . Long term happiness

The first one depends greatly upon people around us, somewhat on our environment and very less on our choices. happiness is a feeling when we are safe, joyful, contented, devoid of stress, healthy or just a reactions of your friend's joke. The last one is really true no!

So, now comes the type of happiness that all of us have to focus on and just try to develop in ourselves. People who really learn how to be permanently happy are generally called optimists, positive or happy soul.

Being permanently happy doesn't mean you have to smile 24*7. Nobody can ever do so. We are bound to face different situations and feel differently in a single day.

What matters is we should try and be strong enough to face the most difficult of situations with a smile and
help others to come out of similar situations
I am hitting down points that  I trust would definitely help to develop long term happiness in someone

  1. to respect your elders, parents specially.
  2. Don't fake yourself because it is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for something you're not....
  3. To live in present(believe me I do it everyday my family is just tired of telling me that I should think of the future and I tell everyone to focus and live in the present...) If you are depressed you're living in the past, if you're anxious you're living in the future, and if you're at peace you're living in present
  4. to meet everyone with a smile on your face
  5. to try and make one person happy everyday (not by sending forwarded WhatsApp jokes and your Insta stories....)
  6. to try to be calm..never behave rashly or in anger (I'm working on it myself...)
  7. to help someone
  8. to be calm and silent . Nature always helps... you can opt a hobby like gardening it helped me a lot( when I used to be anxious regarding my 10 th board I used to do it and it left me so calm and happy...)
  9. to worship.... (You would definitely be thinking that come on everyone say so but that doesn't do anything. I promise you guys that you'll know it when you do it . There's nothing more I can do too to convince you guys to follow this tip but yes definitely God helps His devotee in mysterious ways and you will definitely feel more contended...
  10. to stay healthy meditate ,yoga would definitely help.
  11. Find something you are interested in or a hobby to get you engaged....I once found an article that ran as
    " to be successful one has to have a hobby to earn money, one to keep you happy and one to make you creative...." 
  12. But there are times when you don't want to be alone but you have no choice (that time when all your friends are being separated by the teacher or when everyone's busy in their own talks
    Generally teens take it rudely but everyone's got their own life and you've got yours.
    So, whenever you feel you are alone and feel awkward you don't need to feel so just try and ponder about yourself, your life, what you want to change in yourself, your friends, family, your personality, your future( The future part is strictly not for overthinking. That can be dangerous). Knowledge about anything related to you and your life will only make you more confident and happy....
So, guys if you find it useful, try these tips so that you can make every moment of your life so happy that you have so many of happiest moment of the day that you can never count one happiest moment of our life....
Thank you!
Hope you liked it!
