
“To think too much is a disease.”
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Notes from Underground & The Double

Life is too short for overthinking , don't waste it doing so!
It is all about living and learning through its experiences .Live most of your life with enthusiasm and not just sitting or lying and musing about things of past and fancying on how it would have gone!

It's done, it's past , and until and unless you plan to invent or discover a time-machine anytime soon ,you can't do anything about it. So, live in present, where your fate, still, is in your hands as well as your actions ,and pretty much of your life too, and you can do whatever you want.

Don't burden your life and make it meaningless by dwelling in past memories , or worrying about future .Try and understand this very simple logic that if you do so, and ruin your present , you've left once more just bad memories for past. You are suffering twice for a single thing.

Just because ,you can't take it out of your system. When you'll start living in present ,dear friends, I promise you'll never understand how you forgot those awful incidents, as your brain might be very powerful , but even that can not handle so much of multitasking like nowadays smartphones! Hence, it focuses on the present functioning and ignores the past memories and future worries .

If you really want to forget awful memories or just want to get rid of everyday stress, I would suggest having a creative hobby. It not just shifts brain's focus on other stuff, but ,doing anything creative also helps improve concentration power. It is clinically proven! It was good? Come on ,I loved the joke! didn't you? 

Well anyways ,ignoring my bad attempt at the joke, Let's get down to business. I wish you must have received something worth making your life easier and beautiful and I wish that now you have evaluated the importance of living in present ,'cause if not ,you'll be wasting your life's precious moments making bad memories and suffering twice!

Life is really exciting but ,no doubt short, for all these silly reasons to waste it. live your life ,live your dreams and, yes! keep smiling as well as dreaming as dreams are those thoughts that gives you something fascinating to do when you're awake.

Do not expect life to be lenient ,'cause it is the very opposite , an opponent even, in a video-game, if you killed it and won,you're dead too as the game's over!

As well as ,if you're killed or defeated. Definitely you would want to win. but, you just can't win with life. You are meant to live it. Every. Moment.

Let's say you went on playing the game and are giving a nice battle , like a warrior ,What then? Now too, the time will be over, and you'll die and Yes! sadly the game will be over but, you will be smiling at the end, remembering what you did, how you gave such a nice fight to life and enjoyed playing, living.

That's all what living our life is about. Having memories, whether happy and jocund or sad and angry or bittersweet(still we strive for bigger proportions for happy ones! Can't help!) and experiences. That's what makes a person what he/she is .That's what makes an individual special, unique. Their experiences.

Either you can have a boring life with no thrill and nothing worth remembering or you can have a life so adventurous and happy and so many different things, that it can make a beautiful story.

The choice is yours and the clock is ticking!
So, Start living! Start loving your life and this chance god gave you!

Find your own adventure and go live your chance!

“Don't get too deep, it leads to over thinking, and over thinking leads to problems that doesn't even exist in the first place.”                    Jayson Engay


Unknown said…
That was a really nice article. I really did enjoyed and learned pretty much more about this notorious thing called "The Life". Well I don't really read such articles pretty much. But, this one, I am very thankful to you that you have written such a fantastic stuff on the short life of peoples. Literally, I got it. "Short Life". Do check out my blog also if you want to know much about blogging, gaming, tech, hacking tips, tech news, other much more geeky stuff on https://siddheshmishra.blogspot.com. Cheers. Siddhesh :)
Thank you so much for that awesome comment of yours. Hahahaha, glad that you got the point. Trust me, I am going to follow your blog. It's an amazing blog.